Happy new year to you all. Every end of year, i make a plan or things i hope to do in the new year. Last year i had made a lot of plans and goals which i ended fulfilling most of my goals. One of my good plans in 2020 was to work more on my gallery, website, paint, painting more people. This year, one of my biggest plan is being better to myself, school may be and painting more of my own reference photos well as expanding more of my art world. As long as corona is still here, my biggest dream of travelling the entire EU and more is on a standstill . My hopes and motivation is high as well as my expectations.
This year“s first hope was pushing myself to paint water, wave , different colours and painting some of my last adventures from last year. This sea view was inspired by our trip to malta last year. The water was the most beautiful water i have ever seen with the supplement of the rocky rocks with a lot of texture.